Adopt A Road
Join the Adopt A Road Clean-up Crew!
Our Adopt a Road program is up and running again and we need more volunteers!
Why not adopt a segment of town road you live near? Help keep it looking clean and beautiful.
The Town provides all the required materials and support.
All that is required is for you or your group to pick up litter twice a year (spring and fall) on your desired segment of town road.
If you volunteered for the program in the past, please contact program coordinator Jill Faulkner, and let her know which road segment you covered and if you would like to continue.
Please consider volunteering! To volunteer or for more information, please contact Jill here or by phone at 630-750-6563.
Simply complete the Adopt-A-Road Application/Permit and mail to the Town of Washington, 2301 Town Hall Road, Eagle River, WI 54521 or email to the town clerk at
Downlad the Adopt-A-Road Application/Permit here.